Wednesday 12 December 2012

I Quit Sugar: week 6

On October 29 I started an experiment to quit sugar and for 8 weeks this blog will document my efforts. I was feeling a bit unconvinced of the whole IQS thing these past few weeks thinking it doesn't make a difference to me but after a few incidents of  sugar loaded food this week my skin and energy levels are pretty low.

How I felt: Aside from working lots and planning for our move, I've had a few headaches and feeling run down. My skin is looking not so good either :(

Peer attitude: I keep getting offered lollies at work and I keep saying no. No one finds it odd though.. but they keep asking every half an hour!

What I did well: Green smoothies, cooking at home.

What I didn't do well: There were a few fails this week. Basically, if it's hot and we are tired and hungry.. we want to eat the closest and quickest thing. Especially if we are out and it's hard to find an open restaurant at 9pm.

Good food: After all the bad food I ate I tried to counteract it with green smoothies every morning. 

Not so good food: Ice cream was consumed, as was Coke and awful pizza.

Monday 3 December 2012

I Quit Sugar: week 5

On October 29 I started an experiment to quit sugar and for 8 weeks this blog will document my efforts. This was the final week of no fruit and we are both ready for some sweetness back.. we may have gone a little over board though.

How I felt: early in the week I was feeling pretty ill and nauseous (plus hayfevery).. I even had to leave work early one day. I've been feeling a bit disheartened about it all as I really don't think I am feeling much better or looking different than what I did 5 weeks ago. 

What I learnt: Stevia is super sweet. Ryan LOVES hot chocolate so we finally bought some hot chocolate with stevia mix.. the packet said use 4 teaspoons.. he only needed one!

Peer attitude: Mother in law (who thinks we are crazy) has been asking a few questions about it.

What I did well: When I was sick I ate ok.

What I didn't do well: So many things!! It all started at our friends house & I had a small ice cream (it was literally TINY, but still!) Then we went away for the weekend and went to the drive in and shared a can of Solo.. then we went cherry picking and ate ALOT of cherries and then we went out for dinner and ordered a whole dessert each. If I didn't eat the dessert then I wouldn't feel so bad.. it was really just a big snowball effect. But this is new week and I am back on track.

Good food: It's nice to have fruit back! Although I'm sure the amount of cherries we ate was quite over the top. I made some icey poles out of leftover smoothies.

Not so good food: See above..

Monday 26 November 2012

I Quit Sugar: week 4

On October 29 I started an experiment to quit sugar and for 8 weeks this blog will document my efforts. Another week of no fruit has been and gone (but is still sticking around for another week) I miss fruit! Especially all the new summer fruit is coming in to the shops.

How I felt: Pretty much same as last week.. awful most of the time. Especially at the end of the week when I got a migraine and hay fever, but then I was reassured that this is natural for week 4. 

What I learnt: in the webinar Sarah Wilson did she said that perhaps my inital results aren't as extreme as others because maybe I didn't have much sugar in my system to start with. 

Peer attitude: One of my co workers keeps offering me lollies.. I keep saying no. 

What I did well: We went out to our favourite restaurant and were initially keen on getting dessert.. until it was time to get to dessert and we were too full. We are quite often too full after dinner to eat anything more.

What I didn't do well: I drank some amaretto (full of sugar).. woke up with a headache.

Good food: I didn't do alot of cooking this week after all the awful ones last week. But Sarah Wilson released a Christmas cookbook so I want to make some things from there. I drank coconut water! I drank it once a few years ago and really didn't like it but this time it was ok.. it's pretty subtle in taste but sometimes I need something more than water or tea. 

Not so good food: I did make some savoury muffins.. didn't use a recipe.. didn't taste too good.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

I Quit Sugar: week 3

On October 29 I started an experiment to quit sugar and for 8 weeks this blog will document my efforts. Week 1 & 2 were fairly gentle, the real sugar elimination comes this week when all fruit is (temporarily!) eliminated plus all other sweets and hidden sweets. Please note: I am not doing this to lose weight (although by the looks of the IQS Facebook page I may one of a handful..) I am doing it to help with head aches and to gain energy.

How I felt: grumpy, lazy, unmotivated.. not the effects I was hoping for.

What I learnt: quinoa can hurt your teeth if you don’t cook it right! I forgot to soak and rinse my quinoa and then my teeth hurt they were bruised and metallic? No fun. I Googled it, it's a thing that can happen.

Peer attitude: Parents in law bought over a pack of Oreos (when I wasn’t home).. they remain untouched in the bottom of our cupboard..waiting to give them back when they return.

What I did well: I didn’t eat sugar! I haven’t really even been feeling very hungry in general. I like feeling hungry! But my cravings for anything are pretty low all the time. I am rarely even feeling the need for snacking during the day.

What I didn't do well: I didn’t drink any apple cider vinegar and only 2 smoothies this week.. mainly just because I didn’t want to.

Good food: I finally bought real vanilla extract so I can make my bland “sweet” food a bit tasty.

Not so good food: I made so many awful things this week.. example a.) quinoa that hurt my teeth (see above) b.) brownies. I don’t even know how to describe them.. bland chunky slice. c.) smoothies, again mainly bland but also sometime too flavoursome. d.) mousse, which had too much cacao which I then added to brownie. So all in all my motivation towards cooking food is pretty low.. I really need to follow recipes more! Or just use recipes in general..

Friday 16 November 2012

Pinning adventures.

I love going on Pinterest & that is pretty much how I spend majority of my one hour commute to work each day. However, lately I have become more mindful of what I'm pinning and why I'm pinning it. There is a lot of pins out there and to be honest.. I get a little over whelmed by all the delicious recipes, thrifty tips, festive ideas & home decor inspiration. I started to cull a few boards here and there if they simply did not interest me (for example: hairstyle boards.. don't excite me at all not do boards about make up tips and most "style" or trend ones) Then I started to look at all the pins I had pinned and thought I should start using all this great inspiration in real life so I chose a handful of recipes and decided to actually make them.
Top left: Capsicum "octopus" dip. I made this dip to take to my cousins nautical birthday party.. every one loved it. The dip was pretty much just cream cheese with chili & I stuck the googly eyes with a bit of cake decorating glue.. easy as! 

Top right: Angel hair pasta with chili & lemon. I made this recipe as I pretty much had everything in the house & I thought it sounded delicious. Verdict: it was. I haven't eaten angel hair pasta but it was light and the bread crumbs were a yummy addition. 

Bottom left: Sushi salad. I actually shudder every time I think of this recipe. I love sushi and A Beautiful Mess but I think the reason the recipe didn't work out was because my supermarket had no crab meat so I had to use canned crab, it was the worst! Plus, I made enough for 3 days. Never again will I buy crab meat in a can *shudder*

Bottom right: Chia pudding. I made this at the beginning of my I Quit Sugar experiment and was a bit of a fail mainly because the strawberries were too chunky and I didn't add enough chia seeds so it was a bit runny but I think a few little tweaks it will have great potential.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

I Quit Sugar: week 2

On October 29 I started an experiment to quit sugar and for the next 8 weeks this blog will document my efforts. Week 1 & 2 are fairly gentle, the real sugar elimination comes in week 3. 

How I felt: fine! Ryan said he is feeling pretty tired in the afternoons. 

What I learnt: cacao powder is pricey. Dried chick peas are tasty. Finding a tasty cereal with no sugar for Ryan is hard. 

Peer attitude: we broke the news to Ryan's parents at a picnic..and then they offered us chocolate biscuits. I resisted! It's funny half the people we tell have had a little laugh then after they will then tell us they are trying to cut down sugar too. (and then drink apple drink..) Some friends were very accommodating and even asked if we are eating pasta (that is a big yes, of course!)

What I did well: I found myself stuck at the shopping centre a few times after work so I was tired and hungry/thirsty..  so instead of going to Boost or Gloria Jeans I went to T2 and sampled all their delicious teas.. twice!

What I didn't do well: eating out. We went out for Persian food one night and we thought our curry tasted really sweet.. turns out they actually put honey in it! Also, when I get bored and some one offers me food I will eat it (e.g.: apple date muffins.. I don't even like date muffins.. ever, nor did I enjoy the taste)

Good food: I ate a lot of roast pumpkin and rocket this week.. I love it! And a lot of avocado it seems. I could eat these things every day for a log time I think. We cleared out the freezer of all the fruit in there so we had a heap of smoothies.

Not so good food: I bought a KILO of natural yogurt and it is so tart but I didn't want to waste it so I put what was left of the maple syrup on top.. that made it edible. Note to self: don't buy natural yogurt.



Breakfast: apple cider vinegar (acv), wholegrain burrito with scrambled egg, mushrooms & tomato, blueberry peach smoothie
Snack: nuts, coffee
Lunch: pumpkin, rocket, fetta salad. Carrot with hummus dip
Dinner: BBQ kebabs, grilled corn, grilled asparagus, sausage rolls. (friends house)
Dessert: 1/2 chocolate covered strawberry, bite of lemon slice, spoon of cheesecake***


B: acv, poached egg on sourdough with fetta and rocket, berry smoothie
L: pumpkin, chicken, rocket fetta salad. Carrot with hummus dip
S: licorice root tea, nuts
D: prawn and parsley spaghetti, white wine (friends house)


B: acv, vegemite on sourdough
L: pumpkin, chicken, rocket fetta salad. Carrot with hummus dip
S: tea, water, T2 tea
D: pork belly with stirfry veggies (restaurant)


B: avocado on sourdough, earl grey tea, natural yogurt (with maple syrup) with walnuts
L: salmon with rocket, avocado, hummus 
S: homemade ice tea
D: cous cous with chorizo, chilli, corn and sour cream


B: avocado on sourdough, earl grey tea
S: T2 tea, carrots
L: bean spaghetti
D: chicken chili soup


B: avocado on sourdough with bacon and poached egg, earl grey tea
S: apple date muffin, 1/2 hot dog
L: pumpkin, beetroot, fetta, pecan salad (cafe)
D: butter chicken curry, naan bread, lamb skewers, white rice


B: earl grey tea, granola with milk
L: chicken chili soup leftovers
S: dried chick peas, licorice root tea
D: pork, roast potatoes, peas and corn

***I still think it's a bit pedantic to write such tiny amounts down but I am documenting everything on here!

Thursday 8 November 2012

I Quit Sugar: week 1

On October 29 I started an experiment to quit sugar and for the next 8 weeks this blog will document my efforts. It felt like all I thought about for the first few days was sugar and how much I am going to miss it.. like I had lost a limb. Today, day 10.. not so much.

How I felt: apart from the usual work related headaches, fine. Did have a longing feeling for something sweet sometimes.

What I learnt: there is alot of sugar in tomatoe paste and maple syrup.

Peer attitude: when people find out they sometimes try to make you eat sugar or keep looking at your sideways waiting for you to crumble!

What I did well: eating out. We ate at a few cafes on the weekend and there were heaps of good choices.. probably could have chosen better on Sunday though. Planning lunches so we were prepared for the week.. although tinned fish and rice cakes isn't' exactly my ideal lunch. Ryan has been going great too, I'm very proud of him for resisting all the sweets at work.

What I didn't do well: eating at friends houses. There was not so many good choices but luckily we had bought a veggie platter to snack on and soda water. However, when dessert came out we did share what ever was on offer.

Good food: green smoothies have been the perfect mid morning snack. I'm currently working my way through the freezer to get rid of all frozen fruit in preparation for week 3 so I'm going to need ideas for fruit free smoothies..

Not so good food: natural yogurt is so tart and it's pretty hard to get through a kilo tub worth. I used some of it to make hummus but there is still heaps left. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is starting to take over from coffee in the mornings.. I'm getting used to it.


Breakfast: yogurt with granola, coffee
Lunch: sardines on rice cakes, carrot sticks, kiwi fruit
Snacks: green smoothie, nuts
Dinner: roast potato, homemade pitta bread pizza

B: pumpkin egg hash, berry tea
L: leftover pitta bread pizza
S: green tea, nuts
D: beef & carrot ginger stir fry

B: rye bread with eggs & mushroom omelette, apple cider vinegar
L: salmon and rice cakes
S: carrot sticks, smoothie
D: Crust pizza

B: rye bread with eggs
L: roast potatoes
S: berry tea
D: haloumi on pitta bread

B: Vegemite on rye toast
L: pumpkin and haloumi salad
S: smoothie
D: carrot, crackers & dip, BBQ chicken, sausage, cheese, salad, 1/2 cupcake, 1 bite of lemon slice.* (friends house)

B: bacon, hash brown, mushrooms, avocado, poached egg, coffee.
L: snapper, asparagus, capsicum, dukkah (cafe)
S: chai tea, crackers
D: bowtie pasta with peas, bacon, mint, cream (friends house)

B: vegemite on pumpkin seed bread, blueberry smoothie, ACV
L: aranchini balls, corn fritters, lebanese salad (cafe)
D: chicken burrito with avocado, cucumber, tomato
S: soda water

*I feel a bit silly writing "1 bite of lemon slice" but I did eat it so everything will be going on here!

Monday 29 October 2012

Goodbye sugar.

Today is the day that I quit sugar! The first 2 weeks of the program are pretty gentle.. BUT STILL! Last night I had my last bowl of ice cream, bunch of grapes last night and my last beer. I came home yesterday to see a "gift" of Oreos & Poptarts from a family member.. they went straight into the hidden cupboard. Oh dearrrrr, it's going to be a tricky week. Plus, I have stocktake at work this week which always involves lollies and a birthday party of an avid baker. If I stick to the cheese platter I'll be ok? I'm excited about the challenge, plus I don't like failing. It is only 8 weeks after all. If I don't like the results I won't continue. My hopes for the program are that by the end I'll have more energy, lose my ever present food baby, clearer skin and less headaches. Plus Sarah Wilson says quitting sugar can help you be a nicer person.. sounds good to me!

Ok, lets go, it's Monday time!

Monday 22 October 2012

This time next week..

Next Monday I will be starting Sarah Wilsons I Quit Sugar program. To say it is a little daunting is a understatement! I have semi convinced Ryan to partake in it with me too.. I told him he can still eat bacon so he didn't object too much.. yet. I have had the e-book and cookbook for a few months already and have read it many times but now it is actually going to happen for 8 whole weeks, at least. Well, I did make it to week 2 back in May but week 2 out of 8 doesn't really count in my books. I have been trying to prepare myself for week 1 by un-following Pinterest boards that involve baking.. as I'm sure they will not help cravings. I have found a lot of sugar free boards to replace them with though! I have started stocking up my cupboard with all sorts of sugar free things like herbal teas, nuts and an assortement of coconut products.

Saturday 20 October 2012

She's a keeper.

Last night I went to The Finders Keepers market in Melbourne. I hadn't been in over a year so it was nice to be able to go and see the new (and old) stalls. I am notorious for going to craft markets and loving everything, getting over whelmed by the crowds and then leaving with nothing. Well, not this time, this time I actually bought a few little things. There were so many beautiful ceramics that I would have loved to have gotten but with moving in a few months we are trying not to have to take too many heavy things. I couldn't resist the little confetti bowls though, I think everything should be covered in confetti. All the time.

Clockwise: red glitter hearts by Inky Co, ceramic magnet by Paper Boat Press & confetti bowls by Wendy June.
